Amhearst Mysteries

The Amhearst Mysteries

Book #1 - Caught in the Middle

Book #2 - Caught in the Act

Book #3 - Caught in a Bind

Book #4 - Caught Redhanded

Caught in the Middle

By Gayle Roper

Amhearst, Pennsylvania was just the kind of place for new beginnings for brokenhearted reporter Merry Kramer. But she soon discovered that danger lurked behind the lilac tree when a dead body turned up in her car!

The trouble didn’t end there—gunshots, attacks, and a handsome new friend who might not be what he seemed. Surrounded by suspects, Merry would have to use all her investigative skills to keep from becoming front-page news—as the killer’s next victim.

Caught in the Act

By Gayle Roper

In a sequel to CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE, girl reporter Merrileigh Kramer discovers a grisly murder and learns that she can be wrong about who her friends really are. Like its predecessor, CAUGHT IN THE ACT looks at the long-term consequences of the choices we make. Woven with threads of romance and humor, this mystery makes an enjoyable read with a clear Christian message.

Caught in a Bind

By Gayle Roper

People don’t just vanish into thin air. Yet that’s what’s happened to Tom Whatley, the husband of Merry Kramer’s co-worker at The News. And in his place? A strange corpse lies in the Whatleys’ garage.

As if a missing person/murder case weren’t enough, a beautiful new rival is rattling Merry’s faith in her blossoming romance with artist Curt Carlyle. Then there are the problems that develop with Edie Whatley’s teenage son and the case of domestic abuse Merry gets pulled into. Her search for the scoop puts her directly in the path of the killer.

Caught Redhanded

By Gayle Roper

Mysteries followed reporter Merry Kramer everywhere. Case in point: On a morning jog one day, she discovered the body of a murdered woman. The small-town journalist had to find out who'd committed the horrible crime. And the more she dug, the more she realized that whoever was hiding the truth certainly wouldn't stop at one murder to protect it.

Merry knew she had to decide—and decide soon—whether finding the killer was worth risking her own life, as well as her future with a wonderful fiancé.

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